Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Match the Hitchcock Movie with the Personality Disorder!

Disorder Descriptions (Taken from the DSM IV):

Dissociative Identity Disorder: “The essential feature is the presence of two or more distinct identities or personality states that recurrently take control of behavior.”

Dissociative Amnesia: “Essential feature is an inability to recall important personal information, usually of a traumatic or stressful nature, that is too extensive to be explained by normal forgetfulness.”

Antisocial Personality Disorder: “Essential feature is a pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others.” (DSM IV)

Voyeurism: “Involves the act of observing unsuspecting individuals, usually strangers” (DSM IV)

  • o   "The voyeur is presented as a ‘diseased’, often paranoid, violent individual who violates the norms of everyday life. Films validate these depictions of the voyeur by having persons in power (family members, editors, supervisors, the police) articulate how and why the voyeur is a sick or deviant person and why his or her gaze is inappropriate." (Denzin 1995: 3)

Paranoid Personality Disorder: “Essential feature is a pattern of pervasive distrust and suspiciousness of others such that their motives are interpreted as malevolent.” (DSM IV)

Borderline Personality Disorder: “The essential feature is a pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affects.”


Rear Window- L. B. "Jeff" Jeffries 

Strangers on a Train- Robert Walker

Rope- Phillip Morgan

Vertigo - John "Scottie" Ferguson

Spellbound- Dr. Edwardes

Psycho- Norman Bates

Film Summaries:

Rear Window: As a photographer with a broken leg, L.B. Jeffries takes up the fine art of spying on his Greenwich Village neighbors during a summer heat wave. Things really begin to get hot when he suspects a salesman may have murdered his nagging wife and buried the body in a flower garden. He actively enlists the help of his girlfriend to investigate the highly suspicious chain of events. Events that ultimately lead to one of the most memorable and gripping endings in film history.

Strangers on a Train: Guy Haines, a tennis star who hates his wife, is approached on a train by a stranger, Bruno Anthony, who hates his father. Anthony offers a plan: each could kill the other's victim. No motive, no clue would link the two murders save the casual meeting of strangers on a train. Haines doesn't take the plan seriously, however, until his wife is suddenly murdered, and Anthony appears to demand that Haines keep his part of the bargain.    

Rope: Two friends strangle a classmate and invite his family and mutual friends to dinner--with the body stuffed inside the trunk for a buffet table. Inspired by the Leopold-Loeb murder.

Vertigo:  Scottie Ferguson, a San Francisco police detective is forced to retire when a freak accident gives him a severe case of acrophobia. Ferguson is hired by a rich shipbuilder to follow his wife who is behaving suspiciously and might be planning suicide. He falls in love with her, she is later murdered and Ferguson becomes obsessed with his desire to re-create her in another woman.

Spellbound:  A female psychiatrist protects the identity of an amnesia patient accused of murder while attempting to recover his memory.

Psycho: Horror melodrama in which a woman disappears after spending the night in an isolated motel which adjoins an eerie Victorian mansion, inhabited by a disturbed young man and his mother. 

Click here for the answers!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Postmodern Picture Books

There are many definitions for the term "postmodernism." According the the Encyclopedia of Nationalism one of the most popular is Lyotard's definition: '"incredulity towards metanarratives."' It stems from the "ideas and arguments relating to advanced industrialized societies of the late twentieth century onwards. It is concerned with the description and analysis of the distinctive features of these societies for relations between social groupings, for individual selves and identities, and for the status and forms of knowledge, science, and culture" (50 Key Concepts in Gender Studies). 
Postmodern picture books "expand the conventional boundaries of the picture book format with its nonlinear structure, surrealistic imagery, and multiple story lines. Some are wordless and some have multiple stories in one" (Booklinks). By allowing the reader to invent the story themselves based on the pictures is in line with the postmodernist thought of focus on the "self."

Here is a list of the titles I have included:
  • Voices in the Park
  • Reflections
  • Tar Beach 
  • Cinderella's Rat
  • Black & White
  • Rosie's Walk
  • Zoom 
  • The Arrival
  • Squids Will Be Squids
  • Wolves
  • The Frog Prince Continued

My favorite would probably be The Frog Prince Continued. What are your favorite postmodern picture books?