Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hey Everyone,
Here is an article in the Huffington Post: The Most Beautiful College Libraries!
I especially like the first college :)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

New Encyclopedia on etiquette

Hey Everyone,
They just rolled out a super rad encyclopedia on etiquette! Check it out!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Library Summer Travels

Well it's been a full summer filled with spectacular book repositories! I went to Mexico City's university's library, the Library of Congress and National Archives in D.C., the Boston Public Library, and Harvard's Library! The Boston Public Library was the first circulating public library in the united states. Apparently Philadelphia and Boston have a rivalry between who had the first public library in the U.S., and although Philly was technically first to build a public library, it wasn't circulating until after Boston's was. All in all it was such an awesome summer!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Plans for the Future

Hello Everyone,
So as my mind is racing with all the demands of a master's degree as well as working three jobs and trying to do an internship I am reminded of how much solace a library can bring. It is a quiet retreat that invites all people from all walks of life to learn for free. Knowledge is power and I have made it my goal that upon graduation I am going to visit the top 20 most beautiful libraries in the world. The list can be found here: I plan on graduating in fall 2010 so I should be embarking on my journey in Jan of 2011!

Please feel free to add to this list and give me your ideas that might help me along my journey. I will keep you updated on every spot I visit as well as add pictures.